
The author has 28 posts

Conversations with Rich Bennett

The Legacy Project podcast

This is easily the best podcast I’ve participated in. Lot’s of fun and a really great interviewer. He made me laugh and we had lots of fun. Please give it a listen.



Dads With every bump, bruise and small cut our love and care for our children is deepened. In retrospect, the internal bumps and bruises seem the deepest, and I wonder whether those emotional traumas are ever totally recovered from. In their young […]

The Heretic

It’s here!

On June 17th, The Heretic launched on all sites. Initial feedback has been excellent. It is the third in the Emmett Casey series, and maybe the final one. In the diary entries of Mick Casey, where he details the incredibly harrowing details […]

The Heretic is Coming Soon

The Heretic is coming soon!

The date for The Heretic is set for June 17th! Finally the third edition of the saga of Emmett Casey. A full life lived and the memories of the past that follow him always. Memories of the lives he’s touched, the lives […]

Corona wakeup call

Corona wake-up call

During this Corona virus crisis I have done my best to stay informed. I am a well- educated health care professional with more than a couple of degrees, so I’m trying to listen carefully. I have watched the news in increasing frustration […]