
The author has 16 posts


Fear Itself

       As the character, Barney Fife, Don Knotts once uttered some incredible wisdom.  When asked if he was afraid, he replied; “There’s nothin’ to fear but fear itself—and that’s what I got—fear itself!”  I’ve always thought that was a statement of profound […]


The Deathbed Confessions

Coming soon Harry knows a lot of secrets. Secrets people need the answers to but Harry’s not talking. Not yet anyway.


It’s a frustrating paradox. Late in life I discovered that I like to write. It’s a fascinating process, creating something out of nothing except one’s own imagination. By and large I’m pleased with the finished project-usually. But then once a novel or […]


Malady of Time

The world glides past, beyond my closed windows and doors It’s pace unchecked Bye my age and infirm. The sound vibrant with worldly life mocks my lust For peace And lost youth. But the current is now too swift For one such […]

Smoke on the Water

One time, a very long time ago, I was working as a security guard for the ferry company operating between Liverpool, England and Dublin, Ireland.  The job was for six months, and began in late October.   Late October is when the weather […]


A long time ago

I got stoned last night.  Not politely stoned, not even Friday night stoned.  I got stoned; ripped; layed out.  I got stoned plenty of weed, plenty of alcohol.  It was like I was young again, and just as stupid.  Smoking weed in […]