
The author has 16 posts


5 years of bliss

I remember many times in my life, both young and old, when my elders would attempt to impart wisdom upon me.  It usually came in different forms.  Occasionally, it came while they cradled an injured limb of mine.  “Trying to hurry causes […]


Memories of Christmas

Aged in the mileage of life They place me in the comfortable chair in the corner. Present but only as wallpaper on this Christmas day. Out of the way, an observer of the vigor of their youth,             Safely beyond the chaos […]

A true Christmas Story

 In our town, Christmas in particular sparked an informal and good-natured competition for best window decoration and none were rarely better than the effort put forth by our local hardware store and Charlie Fedderson.  Charlie ruled the hardware store like a benevolent […]

A true Christmas Story

           In our town, Christmas in particular sparked an informal and good-natured competition for best window decoration and none were rarely better than the effort put forth by our local hardware store and Charlie Fedderson.  Charlie ruled the hardware store like […]

A true Christmas Story

           In our town, Christmas in particular sparked an informal and good-natured competition for best window decoration and none were rarely better than the effort put forth by our local hardware store and Charlie Fedderson.  Charlie ruled the hardware store like […]

A Christmas Story

      In our town, Christmas in particular sparked an informal and good-natured competition for best window decoration and none were rarely better than the effort put forth by our local hardware store and Charlie Fedderson.  Charlie ruled the hardware store like a […]